Hayley Dee Clark – Numerology

Hayley Dee Clark – Numerology

Hayley Clark Astronumerology

I practice as an Astronumerologist (Astrologer/Numerologist) working from home in Hessle, East Yorkshire. I have had an avid interest in lots of life’s mysteries and wonders from being very young. I loved anything to do with the mind, body, spirit and the many ancient teachings of hidden away knowledge!! 

This curiosity led me to have my numbers done using my date of birth and full name at birth. This is called a numerology reading. It was something I had never heard of before, although it is familiar in science as well spirituality. I found it totally resonated with me more so than anything I had tried out before. Afterwards, it was like I knew which direction to take, felt at ease as it put me on my right path! For this, I am hugely grateful!! 

The astrology birth chart holds the key to find out who we really are and gives great insight into ourselves. This explains the ‘behind the scenes’ of our thinking and what drives us, our personality, strengths and challenges. Knowing this information about your true self and having this understanding is invaluable. This is the very reason why I took up a career path in astrology and numerology, I believe it largely assists us in our lives. I love helping people discover aspects about themselves which brings balance and enlightenment. Both Numerology and Astrology readings are likened to a treasure map which is our unique pattern when we incarnate. When unveiled these ancient practices guide you towards the life you were born to live.


“I found my numerology reading fascinating, the knowledge given to me was like a door being opened to understanding myself so much clearer and the accuracy was uncanny”.

Joanna, Grantchester

“In total, this is the best reading I have had as it was straight to the point in showing me the path of my natural strengths and abilities.  It gave me a sense of knowing my purpose and assurance afterwards.  I am delighted to have found out about my numbers, it is such a form of self-discovery!” 

Melanie H, Edinburgh 

Contact Details
Email: hayleydee71@gmail.com
Tel:07966 553801
Facebook: Hayley Dee Astronumerologist, “Let’s take an Adventure under the stars”