

If you’re searching for a life of happiness and meaning, the ancient science of numbers will assist you on your journey! Numerology is the metaphysical system of numbers in which your name and date of birth reveal the blueprint of your life.  Through numerology, you will uncover your destiny and life purpose, along with your future potential.  Whether you’re looking to choose your ideal partner or career, a business, baby name or your wedding date, numerology will show you the way.

The benefits can be:

• Development of self-love and understanding, to improve your relationships with others and yourself

• Understanding the importance of your name in your destiny, including naming your child and changing your name in marriage or divorce 

• Forecasting life events, including when to get married (or end a relationship), have children, change jobs, move home, focus on your finances, travel, study or work on your personal and spiritual development.

Hayley Dee Clark