Explore your Soul

Celestial Explorers meet in East Yorkshire monthly to discuss and explore the many alternative routes there are for our personal growth and development. We invite an experienced practitioner to share their journey, and how they developed their knowledge and specific expertise to energise their souls.

calendar OUR NEXT MEETING Peta-Ann Wood - Saturday 7th September

The Soul's Journey

There are many among us now who are awakening to the realization their soul is calling and they are about to go on a magical journey of discovery.

Your soul knows all it needs to know, yet knowing is not enough. It needs to feel and experience. Your soul is here to learn. So the purpose of each life is to allow the soul’s unique mission to be realized through you.

There is no such thing as coincidences in this Universe. You will be guided into orchestrated opportunities and tasks, both good and bad, for spiritual growth. What you actually experience is up to you. Learn to live your life without fear, as fear constricts; it isolates and creates the need to control. Love, however, expands and includes all and ultimately heals.

You are not asked to do this alone. Reinforcement for the soul’s journey will come in many forms. A close loving family, a true loyal friend, a spiritual group of like-minded people who appreciate your gifts and talents and make you feel less alone, or a spiritual book that simply falls from a shelf and lands in your lap. Complementary therapies have their part to play, helping realign and recalibrate your energy field, clearing energy imprints from previous lives and releasing trauma from the cellular memory of the body.

On a soul level, we look to the planetary arrangements at the moment of birth. It creates an energy field, our very own divine blueprint and the answer to the soul’s purpose for this particular lifetime.

It has the answers to the questions. Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going?

It helps to understand our personality, makes us appreciate our gifts and abilities and gives us a clear understanding of our personal values obtained over many lifetimes. The soul can then draw from the finest qualities of the personality to fulfil its purpose of a physical experience here on Mother Earth.

Sue Grassby


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